
Benefits of an Aeration System in Your Pond

Bottom diffuser

Small but mighty, aeration systems provide numerous benefits that improve your pond’s ecosystem. While an aerator or fountain may not seem like much from the shore, what they are doing underneath the surface significantly impacts the pond’s function and appearance. Read on to learn more about the benefits of an aeration system in your pond.

What is an aeration system?
There are two main types of aeration systems–fountains and aerators (known sometimes as “bubblers”). Fountains serve as both an aesthetic component and an aeration system. They float on the surface of the pond and pull water from the top 1-3 feet in the water column. Aerators on the other hand utilize strategically placed diffusers across the lake or pond bottom to pump air from the surface to the bottom of the pond. This helps to maximize the effects of aeration. The visual result is a column of bubbles that float up and create a small rippling patch on the surface.

What do aerators do?
1. Introduce oxygen to the water. Stagnant or warm water tends to have low oxygen levels, which can result in unhealthy bacteria growth and even fish kills. Whether you have a bubbler directly introducing oxygen into the system, or a fountain that adds oxygen by churning up the surface, aeration systems help keep the oxygen levels up in the system for healthy organism growth.
2. Decrease algae blooms. It’s much easier for algae to grow in slow-moving or stagnant water. By creating movement in the pond, aeration systems make it more difficult for algae to bloom. In addition, the constant movement of the water encourages phosphorus particles (an essential nutrient for algae blooms) to bind with sediment particles, making them unavailable to the algae.
3. Destratify the water column. When water sits still, layers of significant temperature differences form–the top becomes very warm while the bottom gets quite cool. The oxygen levels in these sections also vary widely, since cool water holds oxygen better than warm water. When the surface gets too warm, fish may be unable to get enough oxygen in those areas and can die. Aeration systems help to circulate the water so that the temperature and oxygen levels remain more consistent throughout the pond.
4. Reduce mosquito activity. Most mosquito species require standing water in which to lay their eggs. A stagnant pond provides an ideal habitat for them, particularly if there are dense areas of plants. If you find yourself battling these nasty buggers, reducing their local breeding habitat with the help of an aeration system is a good way to lower their population numbers.

We at Triangle Pond Management will work with you to design a unique plan for your pond to maximize the benefits of aeration. Feel free to contact us at (919) 398-3221 for a consultation and pricing.