
Bioretention Pond Turnaround

The stormwater control measure (SCM) featured here is called a bioretention pond or bio pond for short. They are used in development to mitigate and control stormwater runoff. Bioretention ponds are also excellent at reducing and removing pollution from stormwater runoff because of the different media filter layers used in construction.

Most bio ponds will have a top layer of either mulch and plantings or sod. This device has mulch and shrub/tree plantings. Due to lack of routine maintenance over time, this pond had become overgrown and the mulch layer had broken down into fine soil. Our team was put to work and cleared the overgrown brush. We also trimmed the shrubs and trees.

After removing all of the clippings, during the clearing phase of the project, a new layer of mulch was installed. Now this bioretention pond is back in compliance and a much better sight to look at for the customers that visit this storefront.

If you have compliance issue with your SCM or BMP and need assistance we are here to help! Please contact us today to discuss your project!