
Triangle Area Erosion Repair Project

Shoreline erosion is often caused by environmental factors such as heavy rains, run-off, fluctuating water levels, and/or wind displacement of water in your pond/lake. Rainwater runoff can slowly erode the soil, killing any vegetation that has been established ultimately leading to a degraded shoreline. Degraded shorelines can result in a severe loss of land if not repaired. They can also affect overall pond health. Eroded soil creates excess sediment deposits that can lead to poor water quality, often resulting in excess algae blooms.

Here are some photos of a recent project completed in the Triangle area for an HOA that was experiencing this exact situation. With many years of no routine maintenance, high waterfowl activity on the banks, and wind displacement, the banks of this pond had eroded to nothing but an unstable vertical shelf. While the banks did have established vegetation, the community was concerned about further land loss.

Triangle Pond Management was asked to get involved and come up with a stormwater management solution that best fits this client’s needs. Using a mini excavator and skid steer, we graded this pond slope back to a more gradual slope of 3:1. Once all grading was completed, we then installed woven geotextile fabric to protect the subgrade from direct contact with water. Once all fabric was secured in place, we proceeded to line the shoreline with Class B RipRap. The Class B RipRap plus the separation fabric act as two layers of impervious surface to protect the shoreline from further erosion damage.

For erosion control or any stormwater management services, contact us today!